If You Want to be
Learn More About People
Than You Do Your Products

If You Want to be
Learn More About People
Than You Do Your Products

Is It Really Possible to Increase Profits & Productivity...While Having More Fun on the Job and Without Sacrificing Your Personal Life?

The answer is a resounding YES! And the secret is simple: Shift your focus away from whatever you are selling...and you'll sell far more!

In this practical and inspiring guide for retail managers, you'll discover:

  • Simple steps to cure a toxic workplace.
  • Short "conversation starter" prompts that will help you find common ground with your co-workers.
  • Strategies to help every employee find a way to shine. (Plus the courage to let them outshine you!)
  • Strengthen your team with the skills they need to succeed so everyone feels like a winner.

You can be more successful on and off the job when you finally learn more about people than you do your products.

Grab Your Copy Here >>

"Everything You're Hoping, Dreaming, or Praying For...Will Come to You Through

PEOPLE...So Be Sure You Master People Skills"

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  • If you're like me, you're busy & on the go. Take the book with you to reinforce what you're reading.
  • Enjoy the full text of the book in convenient mp3 format.
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FREE: The 3-Day
Ultimate Retail Success Bootcamp

"How to Effectively Motivate Your Team to Quickly Reach Their Full Potential & Max Out Your Bonus Opportunities Every Month"


3 Things All Highly-Successful Leaders Do First

  • How to guarantee your success before you even speak.
  • How to increase efficiency and productivity instantly.
  • The proven #1 habit you cannot afford to neglect if you want guaranteed growth.


3 Things All Highly-Successful Leaders Do Every Day

  • How to instantly create amazing results and unlock unlimited success.
  • How to immediately increase more than just an employee's job satisfaction even if you're new.
  • Dramatically improve work-life balance.


How to Max Out Your Bonus Plan Every Month

  • Quickly achieve your largest goals faster and easier than ever before with improved confidence.

There is no charge for this special event. Simply click the button below to join our free "Women in Retail Management" Facebook Group. That's where the daily sessions will be held.

Get All the Exciting Details in Our
"Women in Retail Management" Facebook Group

What People Are Saying

"Beginning to end, the book really nailed it! A personal favorite of mine was the teaching on how "Perception is Reality."

Christina's challenge to "Involve Your Team In Everything" is the essence of true leadership and how I was able to achieve my past professional retail successes.

This book is excellent, practical, and useful to someone new or someone who realizes the only person who stays the same on the “Team" is me.

—Tryna Kronick, Retired E.V.P. of Stores N.A., Signet Jewelers

"As a woman who has worked in retail for many years, I pride myself on my ability to be a 'people person.' I am surprised at how many helpful skills I found within this book that I am either missing or can improve on.

I found the worksheets to be extremely helpful and I intend to present this book to my own management team to offer employees an opportunity to utilize it as a tool and resource for both business and personal growth."

Shimmi Munson, Executive Account Manager, Freight Brokerage

"Christina gives the perfect advice for respecting and understanding associates. Her examples of identifying unhappy associates are a good reminder. 

Understanding your company's values and culture, demonstrating them to your staff, and having the same expectations of them, you create a fun and dedicated environment for your staff to work in and for your guests to shop in.

Christina helps others achieve their dreams and gives examples to help you do the same.

Teresa Vasko, Regional Manager, Helzberg Diamonds

About Christina

Christina Richardson is passionate about helping people see greatness within themselves and everyone they meet. 

Her coaching clients have reached extraordinary levels of success, consistently seeing dramatic results in both their personal and professional lives.  She empowers leaders to reach their highest potential while cultivating respectful relationships with their employees and customers. 

Christina’s revolutionary “people-first” approach can transform any workplace. She has proven that it’s possible to skyrocket profits, improve productivity,  and increase job satisfaction — all at the same time. 

Christina is a wife, mother of four, and grandmother of five.  She makes her home in Oregon.