I Found The Proverbs 31 Woman...
She shared her secrets with me.

Now let me share them with YOU
in my FREE online class.

Yes, I Want to Know Her Secrets >>

Is Proverbs 31 Fiction?

Do you have a picture -- in your mind -- of the woman God created you to be?  I know you do!  

But here's the problem: there's a gap between where you are right now -- and THAT woman you dream of becoming. 

God wants to close the gap. He has sent the Holy Spirit, and beginning this very moment perhaps, is providing the support and resources you need to see the real you, the ultimate you, emerge.

God is for you. And more than YOU want to become that woman you just envisioned, God wants it for you. He placed THAT woman on this earth at exactly this time in history. For a reason. There’s a call on your life that you will only be able to fulfill when you live as THAT WOMAN.

That's exactly why I created my FREE online class.

What Will Happen for YOU?

  • Create additional income streams, based on your God-given talents and interests, to help secure your family’s financial future
  • Improve your personal appearance, not by spending more money, but by simplifying your existing wardrobe - and other fun innovative ideas you probably never thought of!
  • Discover a simple eating plan - spend less time in the kitchen and lose weight at the same time
  • Enrich all of your relationships 
  • Experience the joy of becoming “a soul at rest” and “a body in motion”
  • Enjoy more free time, and more quality family time, by creating routines that put your household on autopilot — freeing you to do more of the things you actually enjoy. Imagine that!
  • Have fun! Seriously - you need to have some fun! God wants you to enjoy every aspect of life!

NOTE: This is now a totally free class. No catch. No kidding. No cost ever.

Yes, I'm Ready to Become the Woman God Wants Me To Be >>

Here’s What You Can Expect…

  • Complete a full-blown study of the Proverbs 31 woman. 
  • Memorize the entire passage, one manageable portion at a time.
  • Discover practical, real-life applications for this ancient Biblical wisdom.
  • Establish a routine of spiritual disciplines you can follow for the rest of your life.
  • Develop the wonderful habit of daily Bible reading and time alone with God.
  • Pray 90 scripture-based prayers.
  • Practice the learned skill of Positive Prayer Journaling.
  • Cultivate an awareness of the presence of God.
  • Plus, you’ll increase your Biblical knowledge, wisdom, and understanding in a broad range of subjects.
  • No cost to you.
Yes, This is Exactly What I've Been Looking For >

Faith Foundations Module

  • Complete a full-blown study of Proverbs 31 woman.
  • Memorize the entire passage: Proverbs 31: 10-31.
  • Fill your heart with "the word of God made personal" - including a beautiful mp3 of personalized scripture and biblical principals.

Health & Wellness Module

  • Begin the habit of a daily prayer walk.
  • Learn about the powerful impact of diet on your total well-being.
  • Follow a simple cleansing diet, designed to promote greater vitality and weight loss.

$17 Value - FREE

$27 Value - FREE

Household Management Module

  • Discover the simple, proven method for keeping yourself and your family on track.
  • Get your home in order by de-cluttering and creating a realistic, personalized household routine.
  • Learn to discipline yourself to fulfill your obligations and to do so on time.
  • Can't fail system -- even for those of us who hate doing housework!

Personal Appearance & Fashion Module

  • Develop a well-balanced approach to personal appearance.
  • Discover the colors that look best on you.
  • Streamline your wardrobe to save time and money.
  • Find out when less is more; and when more is more!
  • Learn the keys to age-appropriate dress.

$27 Value - FREE

$27 Value - FREE

Ministry of the Home Module

  • Turn your home into a center of life and ministry.
  • Make your home a mission sending station.
  • Learn to incorporate ministry into your life naturally.
  • Live your life on-mission to fulfill God’s purposes for you and the world at large.

Finances & Retirement Planning Module

  • Get your finances in order (finally!) with a simple approach!
  • Start an automatic savings & investment plan.
  • Implement a debt reduction strategy.
  • Create a retirement strategy.
  • Master vital financial principles from God’s Word.

$7 Value - FREE

$97 $97 Value - FREE

Self-Management Module

  • Get access to self-management tools GUARANTEED to increase your personal effectiveness.
  • Solid strategies to help you maintain a positive attitude by changing your focus.
  • Mindset Training on how to focus on what the Word says about you and your success.
  • Fill your mind with 90 scripture-based affirmations (personalized statements of God’s promises).
  • Downloadable mp3 with guided memorization.
  • Restore strength and stability to your soul (your inner life of thoughts, decisions and emotions)

Entrepreneurship Module

  • Study and learn what the Bible says about self-employment.
  • Discover the importance of developing multiple streams of income.
  • Get an overview of real estate investments.
  • You’ll also consider various business opportunities – this time with the Wisdom of God.
  • Benefit from my three decades of experience as a pioneer in the Work from Home Movement.
  • Begin making money from home right now - powerful ebook and video show you how to find the RIGHT business for you.

$27 Value - FREE

$97 Value - FREE

Total Value of $326 Now FREE


Donna Partow’s unique blend of radical transparency and down-to-earth humor have made her one of the top-selling Christian women of her generation. 

Her books have sold more than a million copies worldwide.

Her speaking ministry has taken her to six continents, from large scale outdoor evangelistic events in South America to mud huts in Africa.

Donna is perhaps best known for her ability to get people up out of the pew and into the world. She’s currently a full-time missionary.

Now it's FREE
$326 Value $0

Yes, I Believe Proverbs 31 is For Me >>