God, I thank you that I don’t have to focus on my problems today. You are not far from me. So I come, right now, with complete confidence and I enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus.
Thank you Jesus for paying the price and ransoming my life with your Blood. You opened a new and living way for me.
Because you are my High Priest, i draw near to God with a sincere heart. I have full assurance of faith. You have set me free from a guilty conscience SO THAT I can serve you today.
My heart has been sprinkled with the blood of Jesus. The doorposts of my soul have been marked. I belong to you and the spirits of death and darkness must pass over my life. They cannot bring destruction to me or my household.
Because of all you have done, Jesus, I hold unswervingly to the hope I profess. I know your promises and I know you are faithful.
Oh how glorious to know you’ve set me free from fearing about my own well-being. Now I can focus my time and energy on considering how I can spur others on toward love and good deeds.
Thank you, Jesus, for ransoming my life and liberating me to live by faith.
Because of your cleansing blood, I’m free to live the great adventure, following whatever you lead, living my life to serve those around me.
I thank you that I have protection as I apply the blood to my circumstances, to my body, to my mind, my will and my emotions.
In Jesus’ name and for the sake of His Kingdom
Donna Partow © 2020 Donna Partow International P.O. Box 2092 Ponte Vedra Beach FL 32004 contact@donnapartow.com Terms of Service